VBScript Syntax



I am trying to write a VBScript that will be executed by a VB.NET 2005
program using Microsoft's Scripting Control. I have gotten a few simple
scripts to work but I am having problems on one. I need to parse a
character string value and pick out the pieces that are delimited by
periods. For example, the input value may be:


and I want to parse out the 58000 and return that value. I wrote the
following script:

Dim MyString As String
MyString = ScriptProcessor.Fields.Item(0)
ScriptProcessor.ReturnValue = MyString.Substring(0,
MyString.IndexOf(".") - 1)

But when VB tried to execute the script, I get the runtime error
"Expecting end of statement". After some experimentation, it appears
that the "As String" datatype declaration is what is causing the error.
So how do I declare local string variables?


So how do I declare local string variables?

You can't, VBScript is typeless. So, just remove "As String".


Not only is it typeless, it is a subset of VB6, not VB.NET, so the
String Class and its methods are not implemented, so I had to reveret
back to the old InStr and Mid functions.

Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

I am trying to write a VBScript that will be executed by a VB.NET 2005
program using Microsoft's Scripting Control. I have gotten a few simple
scripts to work but I am having problems on one. I need to parse a
character string value and pick out the pieces that are delimited by
periods. For example, the input value may be:


and I want to parse out the 58000 and return that value. I wrote the
following script:

Dim MyString As String
MyString = ScriptProcessor.Fields.Item(0)
ScriptProcessor.ReturnValue = MyString.Substring(0,
MyString.IndexOf(".") - 1)

Remove 'As String'. Use 'Mid' and 'InStr' instead of 'Substring' and

Chris Dunaway

I am trying to write a VBScript that will be executed by a VB.NET 2005
program using Microsoft's Scripting Control. I have gotten a few simple
scripts to work but I am having problems on one. I need to parse a

Why not just write VB.Net code and use the classes in the
System.CodeDom namespace to execute the code? This way, you can use
the full VB.Net syntax and methods, etc.


Here is another suggestion: use the Split function, giving it the
string to parse, along with the separator character. For instance:
MyArray = Split("Item0.Item1.Item2.Item3", ".")
MsgBox MyArray(2)

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