vbScript Not Firing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Boyd
  • Start date Start date


I have a custom message form published to the Organizational Forms
Library. On the form is a button with the following code behind the
Click Event:

Item.To = "(e-mail address removed)"

For 99% of users, clicking the button successfully sends the form to
John Smith, and closes. I have 2 people telling me that nothing
happens when they click the button. This behavior sounds like the form
has one-off'ed somehow, but wouldn't everyone have the same issue if
this is the case?

I stepped 1 of the users thru clearing the forms cache, then attempted
to submit the form again .. same issue.

Any ideas what might be happening here?

Boyd said:
Item.To = "(e-mail address removed)"
Actually, you are lucky it works for anybody. When you set up
recipient email addresses in code, you are supposed to add a recipient
object to the recipients collection object, initialize its subfields,
and then resolve the address to be sure it will actually send. I had
expected to find a simple writeup of this at either www.slipstick.com
or www.outlookcode.com, but I have just spent some time at both and
cannot find anything through search. Bummer. Try looking up the
objects through the object browser help which you can reach using F2 in
the VBScript editor.
Thanks Hollis .. I wasn't aware of the recipients collection object.
I'm guessing the vbScript fired, but network connectivity issues
prevented the form from sending when the user clicked the button.

I think the best way to tackle this issue is to resolve the address
field, and include error handling in case the address doesn't resolve.
This way, the user is aware of the issue, and can re-try sending the
form when connectivity issues subside.

Thanks again.