VBScript debugger

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I can't get anything to appear in the various windows (running, watch, auto,
breaks, etc) when running the vbscript debugger in my Access page I am trying
to create. I want to watch variables like you do in the VB Code debugger
window, but when I highlight a variable and right click to add it to the
watch list the watch is dim (not available). Help tells me there should be a
programs option in the debug drop down menu, but there is not.
The watch window shows variable values only when you are running the
function/sub where that variable is used, to trace a function/sub use F8, or
you could place a breakpoint, next time that function is called it will stop
there and you can go step by step (F8) and the values in the watch window
will display
Yes, I understand that the debugger must be running to show the variables. I
have set a break point but it does not stop there. F8 does not work. I
cannot add anything to the watch window.

i think what might be happening is that when I go to the "display the page
on the web" a pop-up window comes up about the information bar and it blocks
the execution of the rest of the page. I have tried and tried through the
help given with these windows/bars and through all of my internet security
settings to make that pop up window stop happening but nothing I do stops it.
i have completely turned off my norton anti-virus progam and the internet
security program and still the pop-up window comes. When the debugger brings
up the web page, it doesn't show the pop-up window so I cannot close it at
that point and I cannot proceed with the debugging to get to my break point.

Can you help me?
