VBS and Win XPe



Hello WinXPe gurus..
Heres what I am facing.. we need to give controls to our
customer to customize certain features in Win XPe using
vbs/wsh files.
I made an image with Windows scritping engine included,
but when i try running the vbs file by double clicking it
opens up a WSH Settings page.

I tried putting a simple vbscript in a web page and that
runs fine..but running it directly shows this settings
page. I am not sure what might wrong?? Any ideas??

Heidi Linda

I had this one during development, and there is a way
round it... I was trying to do it from the command line,
though, and IIRC was running the scripting host with the
file name as an argument... it was quite a while ago,
though, and I was working 20 hour days that week...



Try typing the command like this:

wscript yourfile.vbs

This will launch the vbscript. The filename has to be
prefaced with "wscript".


Heidi Linda

My memory is a little fritzed, cause as I said this
happened during a week of 20-hour days, but I believe Brad
and Sid's answers should sort you out.

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