Chris said:
How can you in write vbCrLf to a file without using the
visualbasic namespace?
Lots of good answers from others but I'll chip this in anyway:
/Why/ do you want to do this?
The only reason I can think of is that you want to avoid any dependency
on Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll. Well, if you're writing in Visual Basic,
you can't. The Visual Basic compiler builds code that makes calls into
MS.VB and, if you go to the *tremendous* lengths required to avoid
these, what you wind up with won't look /anything/ like Basic (and will
probably run slower as well).
In C# you would just case 10/13 to char and right that. I can't seem to
do that in vb.
AFAIK, you can't /cast/ an integer into a character, you have to
/convert/ it - C wraps this up in the same syntax for you; Visual Basic
should get you close.
Or CChar, of course ;-))
Phill W.