VBAscript for data matching excels

May 18, 2019
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Hi All,

I have a requirment can anyone help how can i achive this with vbscript.

Below is my requirment

I have a data in which 4 columns are there so in that 4 columns we should compare 2 columns and based on that a new column should be created and write the output


In sheet1 below are the columns

Invoice No City Quantity Price
The invoice of a product is delivered at 500038 and the delivery executive name is hji Hyderabad 1 900
The invoice of a product is delivered at 507889 and the delivery executive name is hji Pune 2 1800
The invoice of a product is delivered at 500138 and the delivery executive name is hji Karimnagar 1 900
The invoice of a product is delivered at 500039 and the delivery executive name is hji Kadapa 4 3600
The invoice of a product is delivered at 500238 and the delivery executive name is hji Goa 2 1800

In Sheet2 below are the columns

Match Content in Invoice No Match Content in City Area
500038 Hyderabad SR Nagar
507889 Pune lalu nagar
500138 Karimnagar RN Nagar
500039 Kadapa mastangi nagar
500238 Goa RN Road

In sheet1 cloumn1 and cloumn2 matches with sheet2 column1 and column 2 it should add a column in sheet1 with 3 column as output

Invoice No City Quantity Price Area
The invoice of a product is delivered at 500038 and the delivery executive name is hji Hyderabad 1 900 SR Nagar
The invoice of a product is delivered at 507889 and the delivery executive name is hji Pune 2 1800 lalu nagar
The invoice of a product is delivered at 500138 and the delivery executive name is hji Karimnagar 1 900 RN Nagar
The invoice of a product is delivered at 500039 and the delivery executive name is hji Kadapa 4 3600 mastangi nagar
The invoice of a product is delivered at 500238 and the delivery executive name is hji Goa 2 1800 RN Road

In sheet1 column1 and column2 of row1 should compare with all the rows of sheet 2 column1 and column2 everytime and should displaay the output as above