Anytime VBA attempts to display the references/methods (either by manually
selecting the menu, using the HotKey, or automagically whenever the parser
encounters a period or bang), both VBA and Access crash to desktop. This
happens with *ANY* database, even brand spanking news one with absolutely
nothing in them. There are no add-ins whatsoever & the only references are
the two that VBA won't let me remove. I've kept both Office & Windows as upto
date as possible. Everything works just fine in Word & Excel; only Access
displays this problem (which is where I do the vast majority of my coding.)
Perhaps significantly, attempts to place a command button on a form with the
Wizards enable yields the very helpful "Unable to load DLL" error repeatedly.
The error will continue to pop-up every time a new selection is made for the
function of the command button.
This is on my home system & I've not had a
bunch of free time in a long while, so this was the first crack at a couple
of databases that have languished for the last few months. Any ideas &
suggestions appreciated. Thank you!
selecting the menu, using the HotKey, or automagically whenever the parser
encounters a period or bang), both VBA and Access crash to desktop. This
happens with *ANY* database, even brand spanking news one with absolutely
nothing in them. There are no add-ins whatsoever & the only references are
the two that VBA won't let me remove. I've kept both Office & Windows as upto
date as possible. Everything works just fine in Word & Excel; only Access
displays this problem (which is where I do the vast majority of my coding.)
Perhaps significantly, attempts to place a command button on a form with the
Wizards enable yields the very helpful "Unable to load DLL" error repeatedly.
The error will continue to pop-up every time a new selection is made for the
function of the command button.

bunch of free time in a long while, so this was the first crack at a couple
of databases that have languished for the last few months. Any ideas &
suggestions appreciated. Thank you!