VBA working with footnotes

Jan 14, 2011
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I am working with VBA on a normal PC running Windows 7 in a Microsoft Word document that contains nothing but a table with information about individual words or expressions in another Word document, information such as

Location of the word in the other document

Context before word;

The word;

Context after the word;

Dictionary form of the word;

Grammatical class of the word (noun, verb, preposition, etc.)


Last five letters of the word in reverse order

Last five letters of the context before the word; in reverse order

Markers (e.g.; “la” before the word “femme”; “to” before the word “think”

Sequence number

Comments about the word to put in a footnote.

and so forth for 500 to 1,000 words in a table with that number of rows with fifteen columns of data about each word. Most of that information is generated by VBA code, but some items such as the translations and the footnote comments are added by hand. The goal is to use the data to make other documents: glossaries, dictionaries, vocabulary lists, quizzes.

The footnote comments about the words or expressions occur with only about one in thirty words, but can take up several sentences. It would be easier to see the rest of the data about any given word if instead of typing the occasional footnote comments into a cell I could put them into a footnote. If I put the comments into a cell, that changes the size of the column which affects all the rows.

If I put footnote comments into footnotes rather than in a comment cell, then when I write the code to go through the words and make the other documents as needed, what I need VBA to do is to

1. Recognize the existence of a footnote reference number in a cell in order to

2. Get the text of that footnote

I could then store the text of the footnote in a string array (along with other string arrays for other items) and use the information to create the new document. The footnote information would go into a new footnote in the new document.

All I need then is the code that could get the text of a footnote and coordinate it with other items in other arrays all taken from the same row.

Thanks for any suggestions!

J.R. Allen,

Priddis, Alberta, Canada