i dont understand what the heck is wrong with my code.. i know it is how
i've used the ignoreblank property, but am not sure how the proper
structure of that line should be.. any suggestions???
HELP!...i want it to ignore the cells with no data in them because
right now it says that the value of empty cells is zero, and it ruins
the rest of my code.
Sub lowcolor(lowval As Double, rng As Range)
Dim s As Double
Dim c As Range
lowval = 1000000#
For Each c In rng 'rng is a large range imported from another sub
c.Validation.IgnoreBlank = False
If (c.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic Or c.Font.ColorIndex = 1)
And IsNumeric(c) Then
s = c.value
If s < lowval Then
lowval = s
End If
End If
Next c
End Sub
i've used the ignoreblank property, but am not sure how the proper
structure of that line should be.. any suggestions???
HELP!...i want it to ignore the cells with no data in them because
right now it says that the value of empty cells is zero, and it ruins
the rest of my code.
Sub lowcolor(lowval As Double, rng As Range)
Dim s As Double
Dim c As Range
lowval = 1000000#
For Each c In rng 'rng is a large range imported from another sub
c.Validation.IgnoreBlank = False
If (c.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic Or c.Font.ColorIndex = 1)
And IsNumeric(c) Then
s = c.value
If s < lowval Then
lowval = s
End If
End If
Next c
End Sub