Can somebody please help me with the following. I need a macro to
insert a document property into the footer of all presentations before
they are saved (regardless of how they were originally formatted).
The following works fine, assuming the slides already have a footer
defined through the master:
For Each s In ActivePresentation.Slides
s.DisplayMasterShapes = True
s.HeadersFooters.Footer.Visible = msoTrue
s.HeadersFooters.Footer.Text = [value I want to insert]
However, if there is no footer area in the presentation, I get an
HeaderFooter (unknown member): Invalid request
So my question is, is there are way to create a footer area in the
presentation via VBA? This needs to handle ppt 2007 and older file
insert a document property into the footer of all presentations before
they are saved (regardless of how they were originally formatted).
The following works fine, assuming the slides already have a footer
defined through the master:
For Each s In ActivePresentation.Slides
s.DisplayMasterShapes = True
s.HeadersFooters.Footer.Visible = msoTrue
s.HeadersFooters.Footer.Text = [value I want to insert]
However, if there is no footer area in the presentation, I get an
HeaderFooter (unknown member): Invalid request
So my question is, is there are way to create a footer area in the
presentation via VBA? This needs to handle ppt 2007 and older file