You should look at the Path property for motion path which represents a VML
string. You can generate the co-ordinates from the VML information. The VML
string is a collection of coordinates for a Line or Bezier curve (for
powerpoint purposes). The values are fractions of the slide dimensions. The
other properties like FromX,FromY etc are not reliable.
VML path for circle animation is:
M 0 0 C 0.069 0 0.125 0.07467 0.125 0.16667 C 0.125 0.25867 0.069
0.33333 0 0.33333 C -0.069 0.33333 -0.125 0.25867 -0.125 0.16667
C -0.125 0.07467 -0.069 0 0 0 Z
M indicates Move To a point, the begining of the path.
Z indicates that it is a closed path. If final co-ordinate is not the same
as the first, then you should close the path.
C Bezier curver
L Line
The above string has 4 bezier curves co-ordinates required to draw the
(0, 0) C (0.069, 0) (0.125, 0.07467) (0.125, 0.16667)
(0.125, 0.16667) C (0.125, 0.25867) (0.069, 0.33333) (0, 0.33333)
(0.069, 0.33333) (0, 0.33333) C (-0.069, 0.33333) (-0.125, 0.25867)
(-0.125, 0.16667)
(-0.125, 0.16667) C (-0.125,0.07467) (-0.069, 0) (0, 0)
Capital alphabhets represent absolute values with respect to shapes. 0,0
represents the centre of the shape.
For X co-ordinate multiply the value with 720 and for Y co-ordinate multiple
with 540 to get the value in points. If the VML values are absolute then you
will now need to account for the shapes position on the slide and perform
the calculations to arrive at the actual positions on the screen.
Shyam Pillai
Image Importer Wizard: