I need to write a macro that looks for any cells within a given range that
are font color red (255,0,0) and prompts the user with a vbyesno message box
asking them whether they want to print or not. If they choose no, exit sub.
if they choose yes, i have an inputbox asking them how many copies they want.
when they choose yes, i'm having trouble with the macro looping and
prompting them for every cell that is red. I only want them to be prompted
one time whether there is 1 red cell or 50. Any ideas?
are font color red (255,0,0) and prompts the user with a vbyesno message box
asking them whether they want to print or not. If they choose no, exit sub.
if they choose yes, i have an inputbox asking them how many copies they want.
when they choose yes, i'm having trouble with the macro looping and
prompting them for every cell that is red. I only want them to be prompted
one time whether there is 1 red cell or 50. Any ideas?