I've been trying to take information typed into an input box and having
Excel then paste it into a specified cell on a worksheet. Does anyone
know what the code to do this is?
Literally can't get past:
If you'll accept anything, including the user cancelling the input box,
SomeWorkbook.SomeWorksheet.SomeRange.Value = InputBox("Prompt", "Title")
If you wanted the entry made in cell X99 on the active worksheet,
ActiveSheet.Range("X99").Value = InputBox("Prompt", "Title")
If you want to force the user to make a nontrivial entry, it's a bit more work.
Dim resp As Variant
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
resp = Application.InputBox("Prompt", "Title", , , , , , 3)
If resp = False Or resp = "" Then MsgBox "Must enter something!", , "Title"
Loop While resp = False Or resp = ""
ActiveSheet.Range("D3").Value = resp
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt