VBA Referencing a Named Cell Range in another Workbook


Frank & Pam Hayes

I have a VBA application (in Workbook2) that reads and changes information
in a Named Cell in a user's Workbook (WorkBook1). The name "UserTotal" has
been Insert/Name/Define defined in Workbook1 as =Sheet1!$A$1.

The VBA code works fine whey I explicitly reference the sheet name in
Workbook1 that the Name is defined as, but does not work if I only refer to
Workbook 2. Since different users may have defined "MyTotal" on different
sheets, is there a way of referring to the Named Cell without being explicit
as to what cell it is on, something like:

MyValue = Workbook1.Range(UserTotal).value
instead of
MyValue = Workbook1.Sheet1.Range(UserTotal).value

or lacking that, is there a simple way of setting another variable equal to
the Wookbook.Worksheet name that a variable is defined as in a way that I
can use that in th code line above?

Any help would be appreciated.


Frank Hayes

Bob Phillips


I guess this is because the range is a property of woeksheets, not

You could try




Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Simon Murphy

Range is a property of a worksheet not a workbook, which
is why missing out the workshet doesn't work.

I use this:
dim rng as range
set rng = workbook1.names("UserTotal").referstoRange

yourValue = rng.value

You need to be careful with names as they can be defined
at the workbook level or the worksheet level and you can
have the same name at both levels. This can create hard
to find errors. My advice would be to make the names your
code uses unusual so there is less chance of a clash.


Frank & Pam Hayes


Thank you for the suggestion. It worked great. However, I am not able to
do it in reverse. How would I write the code to change the value in
"UserTotal" from VBA.

set workbook1.names("UserTotal").value = 500 'did not work



Frank & Pam Hayes

Thanks Bob,

Your suggestion worked. In addition, it allowed me to set the value in the
Named Cell by using

Evaluate(Workbook1.Names("UserTotal").RefersTo) = 500



Bob Phillips


Interesting that. I have never tried it myself.

One problem with it is that it doesn't work if the name doesn't already
exist. I use this myself

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="UserTotal2", RefersTo:="=$A$1"



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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