In CODE 1 below, I have a working SELECT statement that is the RowSource for
a combo box named cbotrackID. I'm trying to write it out in VBA, but I'm
having a lot of trouble with the quotes. I didn't put my failed code in CODE
2 because I didn't want to confuse anyone.
Can someone help me convert the SQL in CODE 1 into a VBA statement that I
can use in VBA to set the RowSource with a code version of the sql?
CODE 1 **********
SELECT t.trackID, t.trackNum, [trackNum] & ") " & [trackSong] &
IIf(IsNull([trackTime]),""," (" & [trackTime] & ")") AS Song,
t.trackSong, t.trackTime
FROM t_track t
CODE 2 **********
Me.cbotrackID.RowSource = ???
a combo box named cbotrackID. I'm trying to write it out in VBA, but I'm
having a lot of trouble with the quotes. I didn't put my failed code in CODE
2 because I didn't want to confuse anyone.
Can someone help me convert the SQL in CODE 1 into a VBA statement that I
can use in VBA to set the RowSource with a code version of the sql?
CODE 1 **********
SELECT t.trackID, t.trackNum, [trackNum] & ") " & [trackSong] &
IIf(IsNull([trackTime]),""," (" & [trackTime] & ")") AS Song,
t.trackSong, t.trackTime
FROM t_track t
CODE 2 **********
Me.cbotrackID.RowSource = ???