Hi All!
I have a backup sub that saves workbook data to a floppy disc. How ca
i delete all data (emtpy the whole disc) that's already on the flopp
before saving the new one?
In one worksheet data is saved from columns ("A:E") and the date whe
it was saved is i column ("F"). Every monday i printout all data tha
was saved the week before. I want create a printout userform with t
ComboBoxes that allows me to print from the date i select, ex:
Print from "2004-02-16" (ComboBox1) to "2004-02-20" (ComboBox2).
I know how to create the UserForm and how to set the ListFillRange fo
the ComboBoxes, but how can i use the selection of the ComboBoxes t
set the printout range?
I have a backup sub that saves workbook data to a floppy disc. How ca
i delete all data (emtpy the whole disc) that's already on the flopp
before saving the new one?
In one worksheet data is saved from columns ("A:E") and the date whe
it was saved is i column ("F"). Every monday i printout all data tha
was saved the week before. I want create a printout userform with t
ComboBoxes that allows me to print from the date i select, ex:
Print from "2004-02-16" (ComboBox1) to "2004-02-20" (ComboBox2).
I know how to create the UserForm and how to set the ListFillRange fo
the ComboBoxes, but how can i use the selection of the ComboBoxes t
set the printout range?