VBA populate combobox probelm

  • Thread starter Thread starter l1075
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What i would like to do is to populate a combobox from the value o
another combobox. The user would select a state from one combobox an
the next combobox would contain values of names of people from tha
state. The data is organized into an excel sheet with a column o
states and names and addresses.
I looked at some tutorials but found nothing that really helped me
Just looking for a place to start or any suggestions.
I can send you a simple example of how to do this if you send me your email

Jim Rech
Excel MVP

| Hi,
| What i would like to do is to populate a combobox from the value of
| another combobox. The user would select a state from one combobox and
| the next combobox would contain values of names of people from that
| state. The data is organized into an excel sheet with a column of
| states and names and addresses.
| I looked at some tutorials but found nothing that really helped me.
| Just looking for a place to start or any suggestions.
| thanks
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