VBA Method To Switch Off Screen Saver Reqd

Apr 12, 2006
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The IT department has a screen saver that automatically activates after about 10 minutes of non-activity. This is OK most of the time but is a real pain when doing presentations for example.

Is there a way using VBA to turn the activation of the screen saver off or to make it wait much longer before activating?
talk to the IT dept

IWHyte said:
The IT department has a screen saver that automatically activates after about 10 minutes of non-activity. This is OK most of the time but is a real pain when doing presentations for example.

Is there a way using VBA to turn the activation of the screen saver off or to make it wait much longer before activating?
May be talk to your IT department first, it may be wrong for us to to advise you on something that has been put on your pc by the IT support department for a reason:)
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Yeah I would defo speak to the IT dept first

They might be really helpful (like myself :D) and do it for you.

I'm sure they wouldn't be too happy if you tried to get around it yourself.

