If you're brand new to SQL, Desai, here's a sample query based on the
assumption that your table has multiple records for each employee and you
want a simple sum of all the Salary fields for each:
Select EmpName, Sum(EmpSalary)
From TableOfEmployees
Group by EmpName
But I agree with Steve Sanford that grouping on an employee name is a really
dumb idea, in general. You may be a small company with only a dozen
employees now, but eventually you'll run into a problem doing it based on
name. Surely your table has a unique identifier you can use instead? Emp
number, SSN, network ID, something?
Anyway, if you don't yet know how to write a basic query, there's no shame
in that (we all had to start somewhere) but showing you sample query probably
won't give you an understanding of why the above may not work for you,
depending on your table's construction. Much better you should read
something basic about how SQL works, or find someone who is willing to take
the time to go over SQL with you piece by piece, in sort of a tutorial, and
then write a few of your own.
And as someone else recommended in a different thread today, use Access'
capabilities of putting together queries in other formats and then switch to
the SQL view, which you can use to help you understand how it works, at least
to a point. Access isn't smart enough to translate all possible queries into
SQL, but it can do all the basic things and a few simple joins. It's very
much like recording a macro in Excel and then looking at the VBA code it
creates to figure out how to do something in VBA/Excel.