i am having difficulty getting this to work.
basically, this part of the program is to reset the colored fonts an
interior color of the cells etc from the last run of the macro.
I'm getting an error, AND also, when this is executed, the "fake
default gridlines disappear altogether. Can someone steer me in th
right direction?
thank you.
ActiveSheet.Cells.Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
ActiveSheet.Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
ActiveSheet.GridlineColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
'the last one is the troublesome lin
basically, this part of the program is to reset the colored fonts an
interior color of the cells etc from the last run of the macro.
I'm getting an error, AND also, when this is executed, the "fake
default gridlines disappear altogether. Can someone steer me in th
right direction?
thank you.
ActiveSheet.Cells.Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
ActiveSheet.Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
ActiveSheet.GridlineColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
'the last one is the troublesome lin