VBA for All cells in workbook

  • Thread starter Thread starter Curt
  • Start date Start date


I would like a VBA that replaces every cell of every sheet in a workbook with
its output when used with the following function:



Curt J
Sub GlobalChange()
Dim w As Worksheet
For Each w In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
For Each r In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
r.Value = Trim(Replace(r.Value, Chr(160), Chr(32)))
End Sub
Sub liminal()
Dim c As Range
For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
For Each c In sh.UsedRange
If c.Formula = "=TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(" & _
c.Address(False, False) & ",CHAR(160),CHAR(32)))" Then
c = c.Value
End If
End Sub
Instead of looping through each cell, you could do the equivalent of

Option Explicit
Sub cleanEmUp()

Dim myBadChars As Variant
Dim myGoodChars As Variant
Dim iCtr As Long
dim Wks as worksheet

myBadChars = Array(Chr(160))

myGoodChars = Array(" ")

If UBound(myGoodChars) <> UBound(myBadChars) Then
MsgBox "Design error!"
Exit Sub
End If

for each wks in activeworkbook.worksheets
For iCtr = LBound(myBadChars) To UBound(myBadChars)
ActiveSheet.Cells.Replace What:=myBadChars(iCtr), _
Replacement:=myGoodChars(iCtr), _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
Next iCtr
next wks

End Sub

This was left over from a previous post. I left it as-is (using arrays). I
thought that it would be useful if you decide you wanted to replace other
characters, too.
ps. This doesn't apply the trim() portion.

Dave said:
Instead of looping through each cell, you could do the equivalent of

Option Explicit
Sub cleanEmUp()

Dim myBadChars As Variant
Dim myGoodChars As Variant
Dim iCtr As Long
dim Wks as worksheet

myBadChars = Array(Chr(160))

myGoodChars = Array(" ")

If UBound(myGoodChars) <> UBound(myBadChars) Then
MsgBox "Design error!"
Exit Sub
End If

for each wks in activeworkbook.worksheets
For iCtr = LBound(myBadChars) To UBound(myBadChars)
ActiveSheet.Cells.Replace What:=myBadChars(iCtr), _
Replacement:=myGoodChars(iCtr), _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
Next iCtr
next wks

End Sub

This was left over from a previous post. I left it as-is (using arrays). I
thought that it would be useful if you decide you wanted to replace other
characters, too.
Thank you for the reply. I am a beginner so I might have phrased my question
incorrectly, but is there a reason that this macro works when I use it for
"thisWorkbook" but it doesn't when I put it as a module in my personal macro
