VBA Excel partial cell compare to another cell

Oct 10, 2011
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I am trying to compare a part of a cell with another whole cell. The parts of the cells I need are always between parens. I need to do this to multiple cells in a column and compare with another cell. More detail...
Cell D6 and D7 contain "Trigger (1234)..." and "Trigger (300)" respectively. The 1234 needs to be compared to J4 and if same the I need to perform addition on a seperate set of cells, if different then I perform subtration on a seperate set of cells. The 300 then needs to be compared to J5 and if same the I need to perform addition on a seperate set of cells, if different then I perform subtration on a seperate set of cells.
Some times I'll have two rows of "Trigger..." and sometimes only one. Basically my Trigger row and the compare row should be a 1:1 ratio.
The Trigger data will always be in column D and the compare cell will always be above and in column J.

Data will always look like one of the following two examples...

Row1 Compare
Row2 Compare
Row3 Trigger
Row4 Trigger


Row1 Compare
Row2 Trigger

Thanks for all your help!!
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