Von Shean
I have a list of questions that i need clarification on. If anyone has
answers to any of these, a reply would be of great help. All the question
are related to VBA.
1. How do i access previous values of a cell when detecting a change?
2. How can i access applications undo history?
3. In Worksheet_change how can i get the list of cells that have changed due
to calculations?
4. In a worksheet, how can i come to know what is the location of the cell
that defines the size of the data matrix?
5. How can i get the user action of insert/detele of rows/columns?
answers to any of these, a reply would be of great help. All the question
are related to VBA.
1. How do i access previous values of a cell when detecting a change?
2. How can i access applications undo history?
3. In Worksheet_change how can i get the list of cells that have changed due
to calculations?
4. In a worksheet, how can i come to know what is the location of the cell
that defines the size of the data matrix?
5. How can i get the user action of insert/detele of rows/columns?