VBA Countif across sheets?

  • Thread starter Thread starter mlthornton
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Hello! I'm running into a problem using the the Countif function in a VBA code. If I type =countapples() into cell A1 of Sheet1, it returns the expected answer. See countapples() function below:

Function CountApples()

Dim TopOfRange As Double
Dim BottomOfRange As Double

TopOfRange = 4
BottomOfRange = 10

Set SearchRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(TopOfRange, 1), Cells(BottomOfRange, 100))

ReturnCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(SearchRange, "apple")

CountApples = ReturnCount

End Function

BUT if I type =CountApples() into cell A1 of Sheet2, it returns #VALUE!

What's the problem with this code? Can CountIf not work across sheets?
Hello! I'm running into a problem using the the Countif function in
a VBA code. If I type =countapples() into cell A1 of Sheet1, it
returns the expected answer. See countapples() function below:

Function CountApples()

Dim TopOfRange As Double
Dim BottomOfRange As Double

TopOfRange = 4
BottomOfRange = 10

Set SearchRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(TopOfRange, 1),
Cells(BottomOfRange, 100))

ReturnCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(SearchRange,

CountApples = ReturnCount

End Function

BUT if I type =CountApples() into cell A1 of Sheet2, it returns

What's the problem with this code? Can CountIf not work across

The object ref is not fully qualified to "Sheet1" using 'Cells' as is.

Public Function CountApples#()
Dim rngSearch As Range

Const dTopRow# = 4: Const dLastRow# = 10

With Sheets("Sheet1")
Set rngSearch = .Range(.Cells(dTopRow, 1), .Cells(dLastRow, 100))
End With
CountApples = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rngSearch, "apple")
Set rngSearch = Nothing
End Function


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Am Tue, 30 Dec 2014 20:28:33 -0800 (PST) schrieb (e-mail address removed):
Hello! I'm running into a problem using the the Countif function in a VBA code. If I type =countapples() into cell A1 of Sheet1, it returns the expected answer. See countapples() function below:

that you always refer to the activesheet:

Function CountApples() As Long

Dim TopOfRange As Double
Dim BottomOfRange As Double
Dim wsh As Worksheet
Dim SearchRange As Range

TopOfRange = 4
BottomOfRange = 10

Set wsh = Application.Caller.Parent
With wsh
Set SearchRange = .Range(.Cells(TopOfRange, 1), _
.Cells(BottomOfRange, 100))
End With

CountApples = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(SearchRange, "apple")

End Function

Claus B.
Hi again,

Am Wed, 31 Dec 2014 09:19:00 +0100 schrieb Claus Busch:
Set wsh = Application.Caller.Parent

please ignore my previous post. I misunderstood your problem.

Claus B.
More appropriately, row/col counts are Type Long, as well as the return
from CountIf. Using Type Double suggests you expect a decimal value,but
only whole numbers are used/returned...

Public Function CountApples&()
Dim rngSearch As Range

Const dTopRow& = 4: Const dLastRow& = 10

With Sheets("Sheet1")
Set rngSearch = .Range(.Cells(dTopRow, 1), .Cells(dLastRow, 100))
End With
CountApples = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rngSearch, "apple")
Set rngSearch = Nothing
End Function


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