We have a database that is based mainly on VBA coding.
The person who programmed this has now left to move to
Australia and unfortunately the database is now displaying
an error msg. Basically we've not a clue how to fix this,
so I was wondering if someone could help us out. Thanks
The error msg is:
Microsoft Access: Run-Time error '2176'
The setting for this property is too long
You can enter up to either 255 or 2048 characters for this
property, depending on the data type.
The code which is prompting this error msg is:
'Builds a string to fill a date listbox
Sub fillDateList()
Dim rsValue As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strList As String
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tbl_CCHolding.[Date
Reported] FROM tbl_CCHolding ORDER BY tbl_CCHolding.[Date
Reported] DESC"
Set rsValue = getRecordset(strSQL)
If rsValue.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While Not rsValue.EOF
If rsValue![Date Reported] <> "" Then
strList = strList & ";" & rsValue![Date
End If
strList = Mid(strList, 1)
Me.lstDate.RowSource = strList
Call closeRecordset(rsValue)
End If
End Sub
We have a database that is based mainly on VBA coding.
The person who programmed this has now left to move to
Australia and unfortunately the database is now displaying
an error msg. Basically we've not a clue how to fix this,
so I was wondering if someone could help us out. Thanks
The error msg is:
Microsoft Access: Run-Time error '2176'
The setting for this property is too long
You can enter up to either 255 or 2048 characters for this
property, depending on the data type.
The code which is prompting this error msg is:
'Builds a string to fill a date listbox
Sub fillDateList()
Dim rsValue As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strList As String
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tbl_CCHolding.[Date
Reported] FROM tbl_CCHolding ORDER BY tbl_CCHolding.[Date
Reported] DESC"
Set rsValue = getRecordset(strSQL)
If rsValue.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While Not rsValue.EOF
If rsValue![Date Reported] <> "" Then
strList = strList & ";" & rsValue![Date
End If
strList = Mid(strList, 1)
Me.lstDate.RowSource = strList
Call closeRecordset(rsValue)
End If
End Sub