I'm trying to use VBA code to open the Monarch software program, open the
text file I want filtered, open the monarch model and save out a new text
file filtered by by the model. The code I am using won't save the new text
file I eventually want linked into my database.
This is my understanding of the code: (see below for actual coding)
\\Chwfnp02\APPS\Monarch\program\Monarch - Opens Monarch
T:\FR\TY - US - FIS.txt - Is the file I want filterd my Monarch
T:\FR\Calc.mod - Is the model used by Monarch to filter
T:\FR\IMP_USFISTY - Is the file name I want the filtered data saved as
Function Import_Files()
DoCmd.Hourglass True
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Import US TY FIS
ExecCmd ("\\Chwfnp02\APPS\Monarch\program\Monarch T:\FR\TY - US -
FIS.txt T:\FR\Calc.mod T:\FR\IMP_USFISTY \t")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "All data has been successfully imported.", vbOKOnly, "Import
End Function
Thanks in Advance
text file I want filtered, open the monarch model and save out a new text
file filtered by by the model. The code I am using won't save the new text
file I eventually want linked into my database.
This is my understanding of the code: (see below for actual coding)
\\Chwfnp02\APPS\Monarch\program\Monarch - Opens Monarch
T:\FR\TY - US - FIS.txt - Is the file I want filterd my Monarch
T:\FR\Calc.mod - Is the model used by Monarch to filter
T:\FR\IMP_USFISTY - Is the file name I want the filtered data saved as
Function Import_Files()
DoCmd.Hourglass True
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Import US TY FIS
ExecCmd ("\\Chwfnp02\APPS\Monarch\program\Monarch T:\FR\TY - US -
FIS.txt T:\FR\Calc.mod T:\FR\IMP_USFISTY \t")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "All data has been successfully imported.", vbOKOnly, "Import
End Function
Thanks in Advance