VBA code to pick up nth to (n+x)th character

Apr 20, 2010
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Over on another thread (https://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/thread-892209.php) we've got a problem that I think I can solve with just a little more help. Since the title of the existing thread bears little relation to the question I'm asking, I thought I'd start a new one.

Basically I'd like to to pick up the nth to the (n+x)th characters in a document and have them replace LTrim$(Str$(Counter))in this line of the macro:
DocName = "Myletter" & LTrim$(Str$(Counter))

Problem is, as someone who has only used VBA in Excel before, I don't know the syntax or how to find out the character number of a particular bit of text. (Well, I can guess the latter, but is a return a single character? or none? or 80?) And Word's own VBA help files & articles - on & offline - are still above my head.

Thanks in advance for any light anyone can shed on this.