Okay, I tried to go through all this, but some is a little over my head.
Based on your information (which was very helpful I might add), I have gotten
some code which is working, but I have one part which I don't know how to do.
Here's my code...
Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Set myItem = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate _
("C:\Documents and Settings\ldm\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\IS
Schedule Notification.oft")
myItem.Start = Item.UserProperties("Laptop Needed Date")
myItem.Start = Item.UserProperties("Laptop Needed Time")
End Sub
This is a published message form and I have a command button which should
take the "Laptop Need Date" and Laptop Need Time" from the message form and
complete this appointment and send it.
If I leave it as coded above, the date is wrong, but the time is correct.
If I remove the line "myItem.Start = Item.UserProperties("Laptop Needed
Time")" from the above code, the date is perfect, but the time is wrong.
I need to somehow combine the lines, but I haven't found a successful way to
do this and I've tried different variations. Using the logic like this...
myItem.Start = #9/24/97 1:30:00 PM#
I tried to code it like this, but this doesn't work...
myItem.Start = Item.UserProperties("Laptop Needed Date") & " " & ("Laptop
Needed Time")