VBA back compatibility

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark
  • Start date Start date



I am writting a rather large program in Excel using VBA. Before my code gets
too big, I want to deal with the back compatibility issues.

I am using WinXP an office XP Pro and my program works for this target
platform. But if i shift platfor e.g. WinXP with office XP then my code
breaks. This is frustrating to say the least.

When i look in the helpfiles i can not immediately see which version of
office this or that object/method/parameter works. Is there a way to see it?
is there perhaps a small check i can use to see on which versions of office
my VBA program will run?

I have a great amount of positive experiance with Java and one of the things
i like about it is its excellent documentation. For each object in Java one
can see the "SINCE" tag to see from which version of the virtual machine the
object was included in the API. Does VBA have something similar?

Take a look at the Application.Version property for the version.

It certainly would be nice to have a Since tag within the documentation...
Or even an IDE/compiler feature which produced warnings if you use code
which isn't supported on the target platform/version.

Develop your code on the lowest platform it will deployed upon and you
should not have any problems.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
Hi Bob

Well, your right of course. But changing your development platform on the
other hand is not the best idea. I am really surpriced if it turns out that
this should be Microsofts advice on the back compatibility issue.

But seeing it from Microsofts side, there is a point in downplaying the
compatibility information regarding the Office XP. In this way they can be
sure that new code will only run on the newest versions of Office and thus
forcing people to upgrade their Office installation. If this is true, then
this kind of buisness tactics is unethical to say the least.

Microsoft talks about entering in a dialog with its developers around the
world. Maybe this is a good place to start. Make some better documentation
from which the compatibility issues are crystal clear.

Hi Mark,

I don't know if it MS' advice, but it is certainly mine, and I have other
luminaries express the same opinion.

As far as I am aware, it is very difficult to get a comprehensive set of
changes, it is compiled by experience and knowledge sharing. This makes it a
difficult and frustrating to be able to identify backwards in advance of
doing the work. That is why it is much simpler to develop with the LCD.

I'll not get into a dialogue of criticism re MS, it's too easy. I would just
add that the product set is vast, and the market requires new and enhanced
product so rapidly, often documentation suffers, and so (in some ways) it is
understandable. We are a much smaller group, but have the same problem.

As to forcing upgrades, I read somewhere that Office 97 is still the most
used version of Office.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
There shouldn't be any difference between Office XP Pro and Office XP as far
as code goes. Excel should be the same in all versions of Office XP.
Hi Bob

I don't know if it MS' advice, but it is certainly mine, and I have other
luminaries express the same opinion.

As far as I am aware, it is very difficult to get a comprehensive set of
changes, it is compiled by experience and knowledge sharing. This makes it a
difficult and frustrating to be able to identify backwards in advance of
doing the work. That is why it is much simpler to develop with the LCD.

I would say that the lack of documentation forces one to develop with the
LCD. So we agree totally on that point, and i thank you for your advice.

I (and im sure you do too) find the compatibility issue of great importance
and that should be acknowledged by Microsoft if it cares for its
I'll not get into a dialogue of criticism re MS, it's too easy. I would just
add that the product set is vast, and the market requires new and enhanced
product so rapidly, often documentation suffers, and so (in some ways) it is
understandable. We are a much smaller group, but have the same problem.

You are rigt, it's too easy, to criticise MS. But it should be done, so that
they can become aware of the problem. I know that Office is a vast product
that is constantly beeing developed. But look at such products as Java and
the Linux Kernel. They too are beeing developed constantly and yet there
exists proper documentation. Documentation should never suffer. The strive
for better documentation is the hallmark of every great software company!
As to forcing upgrades, I read somewhere that Office 97 is still the most
used version of Office.

Yeah probably, but then again Joe User is only using Office to write letters
and do some simple spreadsheet exercises.

HI Mark,
I (and im sure you do too) find the compatibility issue of great importance
and that should be acknowledged by Microsoft if it cares for its

Ideally yes, but I just think that it is impossible to cover all of the
bases, and MS have to make commercial decisions. We either accept those
decisions, or vote with out feet (or wallet). It is clear where the evidence
You are rigt, it's too easy, to criticise MS. But it should be done, so that
they can become aware of the problem. I know that Office is a vast product
that is constantly beeing developed. But look at such products as Java and
the Linux Kernel.

In the MS world these are pretty small beer. Java can equate to VB, or C++,
or VB.Nert, or ... Get my point, MS has all these and more. And then they
have Office, ADO, various Windows OS', and so much more.
The strive
for better documentation is the hallmark of every great software company!

Not sure I can fully subscribe to that. I know many companies that are so
obsessed by process and documentation, that innovation and craetivity are
Yeah probably, but then again Joe User is only using Office to write letters
and do some simple spreadsheet exercises.

Where I live, Joe User does minutes in Excel (sic!), and plans in Excel.

Don't get me wrong, I am not defending MS, but I am cognisant of what their
drivers are, and thety are a lot differenet that what Paul Allen envisaged,
even if they are still what Mr Gates envisaged. And as I said, we either
accept, or take dramatic action.
