VBA application; Subscript Out of Range

  • Thread starter Thread starter M J
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I made a VBA application in Excel 2000 with VB 6 on my
machine. However, when I transferred the necessary files
to another coworkers machine and ran the macro, I received
a "Subcript Out of Range" error when I try to open up
another Excel worksheet within the macro. Any assistance
on this issue? The coworker's machine is running Excel
2002... I dont think this is an issue... or is it?

It is unlikely that your problem is the version of VBA/Excel you
coworker is using. The most likely explanation based on what I know s
far, which isn't much, is that the file your code is opening is on you
network and the network drive where it is located is mapped differentl
on your coworker's computer. Check that out and let me know how tha
works out. - Piku

My problem occurs when I click a button to open another
excel file from a macro within a separate excel file. I
think the code and error occurs simply from the following
lines of code:

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
filepath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & filename & ".xls"
oApp1.Workbooks.Open filepath

I am not using any network mappings to find the files. In
fact, I saved all the files on the local C:\ on my
coworkers computer.

When I click the button, I get a "Subscript out of Range"
error and for some reason, the excel file I'm tryin to
open gets locked for editing.

If you activeworkbook is also in C:\ as you seem to indicate, then the
string you build for filepath will be


since the Activeworkbook.Path for a file in the root directory includes the
"\" on the end.

filePath = Activeworkbook.Path
if left(filePath,1) <> "\" then filePath = filepath & "\"
filePath = filepath & filename & ".xls"

NT based systems don't seem to be bothered by the \\ (from what I have
seen), but windows 9.x will break.
Actually I tried that and I also tried hardocding a file
name and I still get the same "Subscript Out of Range"
error when I try to open the excel file from the macro.

Anything else?
Is it possible that "filename" already includes the ".xls"? And did you
verify that the other file actually is an xls file? Just a thought...
- Pikus
oApp1.Workbooks.Open filepath

won't produce subscript out of range to the best of my knowledge.

The problem with getting subscript out of range on another computer is when
you don't put the extension on the filename in the workbooks collection.

If you do

set wkbk = Workbooks("Myfile")

set wkbk = Workbooks("Myfile.xls")

you can get a subscript out of range error using the first syntax based on
the status of whether extenions are hidden or not setting.

Perhaps that is the source of your problem.

Not having specifying the extension IS my problem. I've
been working to correct it when I come across it.
Unfortunately, I've written a lot of macros where I use
Workbooks("Myfile") instead of Workbooks("Myfile.xls") and
do not always have the time to fix them the moment I need
to run the macro. Is there an excel setting that I can
set on my machine to get it to accept Workbooks("Myfile") -
- it used to do this up until about 1 month ago.


Murray Williams
It isn't an excel setting. It is a setting under folder options (accessed
from various locations, usually including Start=>Settings) hide known file
extensions I believe.
I'd be really surprised if that actually had an impact on what we'r
dealing with here. That just hides them from view in the Window
Explorer, it doesn't make them go away. For example, you could stil
have "MyFile.doc" and "MyFile.xls" regardless of whether or not yo
actually see the extensions. - Piku