Barb Reinhardt
I have this snippet of code to update the legends to the bottom of the chart
For Each objCht In WS.ChartObjects
With objCht.Chart
.Legend.Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
End With
Next objCht
If I record this in 2003 OR 2007, I get this
Selection.Position = xlBottom
But if I type .Legend.Position in the original snippet,
xlLegendPositionBottom is an option and xlBottom is not an option. In
Office 2007, it appears to Gack on xlLegendPositionBottom and prefers
xlBottom. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
Barb Reinhardt
For Each objCht In WS.ChartObjects
With objCht.Chart
.Legend.Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
End With
Next objCht
If I record this in 2003 OR 2007, I get this
Selection.Position = xlBottom
But if I type .Legend.Position in the original snippet,
xlLegendPositionBottom is an option and xlBottom is not an option. In
Office 2007, it appears to Gack on xlLegendPositionBottom and prefers
xlBottom. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
Barb Reinhardt