VBA Account Flag Status

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guy
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Here's an example in VBS. Making it work in VBA should be straight
Note that in the BCM v3 beta this property has changed.

' SetStatus.vbs
' Create BCM v2 Account and set "Business Status" property to "Current"

set oOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
set oNS = oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI")
set oBCMFolder = oNS.Folders("Business Contact Manager")
set oBCMAccountsFolder = oBCMFolder.Folders("Accounts")
set oItems = oBCMAccountsFolder.Items
set oAccount = oItems.Add("IPM.Contact.BCM.Account")
oAccount.FullName = "foobar"
set oProperties = oAccount.ItemProperties
oProperties("Business Status").Value = "Current"
Thank you so much, Luther.

I'm actually looking to manipulate the follow up flag and I can't seem to
find the syntax to do so or it isn't an exposed object. The flag status in
the object browser does not provide any help so I can't find any examples of

Outlook doesn't have a built in function to highlight multiple contacts (in
my case accounts) and change the flag status for them. I'm trying to build a
routine that will provide this functionality.