VBA 2007-Colorscheme

  • Thread starter Thread starter Edward
  • Start date Start date


Hi ,
I'm converting my code from 2003 to 2007 and one the problems I have is how
to convert colorscheme code in 2007.
I had the following code in 2003
with ActivePresentation.ColorSchemes(1)
.Colors(ppTitle).RGB = vbRed
.Colors(ppFill).RGB = vbBlue
end with
ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.ColorScheme =

In 2007 this code although not generating an error , still dosn't change the
color scheme.

Can anyone provide me with some code for working with colorschemes ?
Thanks, Shyam
I apply a certain template useing
ActivePresentation.ApplyTemplate ""

and also I have made a several themecolorSchem .
how can I apply a certain color scheme to this template?
the example in office 2007 help generates an error
Dim tTheme As OfficeTheme
Dim tcsThemeColorScheme As ThemeColorScheme
Set tcsThemeColorScheme = tTheme.ThemeColorScheme

and dosn't give much hint how to do this .
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,

Shyam Pillai said:
The colorschem object is no longer applicable in 2007. Look up

Shyam Pillai

Image Importer Wizard: http://skp.mvps.org/iiw.htm