VBA 07 - slide side doesn't change



Hi everybody,
I use the follwoing code to change the slide size
ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = ppSlideSizeLetterPaper

ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize =ppSlideSizeA4Paper

it works fine in 03 but in 07 although it shows on the User Inteface page
setup dialog box that size is changed , actually i doesn't change it and have
no effect.
Any suggestions?

John Wilson

Edward said:
Hi everybody,
I use the follwoing code to change the slide size
ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = ppSlideSizeLetterPaper

ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize =ppSlideSizeA4Paper

it works fine in 03 but in 07 although it shows on the User Inteface page
setup dialog box that size is changed , actually i doesn't change it and
no effect.
Any suggestions?
Works fine here Edward (in 2007 SP2)


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Thanks. I use SP2 as well. What it does here is just changing the value in
the PageSetup size dropdown , but it doesn't actually change the slide size.
so if I save the PP and close and open it again it and look at the pagesize
it's "On screen show".

other properties of the Pagesetup work fine for example 07 responds to the
following code
ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth=480 by changing the slide width on

You said it works for you. Is there any seetings that prevents my code
working properily on my machine?


Thanks, Steve. Yes as I mentioned I can set all other properties except for
the size.
This code is part of procedure that based on users region selection(US or
nonUS) authomatically changes the slide size from letter to A4.
If I set width and height separately , the page size dropdown will display
custom instead of letter or A4 , which is not a major problem , but still not

If you can repro the same thing that means this a bug in 07. In 03 this code
works fine. so I hopw MS will fix this.

I wonder why it works for John Wilson ???



As an alternative method I though if I can use the pageset up dialog box
maybe we can work around this issue.
something like
CommandBars.FindControl(Id:= ?).Execute
SendKeys "Enter"
but pasgesetup is in a group with policy ID 11551 and I get an error useing
the above code for openning the dialog box .
Steve , do you think I can use this method?

John Wilson

Weird both letter and A4 work here as expected. Even if I change everything
to US it still works! My set up is Office Ultimate and Windows 7 Ultimate
both fully updated.

Steve Rindsberg said:
It may have to do with whether your default page size is Letter or A4 to
with. John's in UK, so he's an A4 type. I'm in the US, so my default's
How about you?

Anyhow, try setting the size to the correct dimensions as I suggested and
change the .Size property to the named size you want.

That seems to do it here.

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I tested with 07 sp2 on Vista and XP, both have the same bug. I think when
John says it works for him , he is referring to the drop down boxes ,which
correctly change the values , but they don't actially change the slide size (
and if you save the PP and open it again settings return to the original
Anyhow for now, I used the height and weight . Thanks both you guys

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