how to restrict form feed in Zebra TLP2844
the label height is 25mm and width 40 mm
F1 = FreeFile
Open BCTxtFile For Output As #F1
Print #F1, "N"
Print #F1, "Q240,24" ' 240/8 =30 mm height
Print #F1, "R30" ' postion 30 dots from margin
barX = "QP101-234567" ' is a variable meant for batch print
Print #F1, "A1,10,0,1,1,1,N," & Chr$(34) & "ABCD" & Chr$(34)
Print #F1, "B1,30,0,E80,3,25,80,N," & Chr$(34) & barX & Chr$(34)
Print #F1, "A1,80,0,1,1,1,N," & Chr$(34) & barX & Chr$(34)
Print #F1, "P1"
Close #F1
the label height is 25mm and width 40 mm
F1 = FreeFile
Open BCTxtFile For Output As #F1
Print #F1, "N"
Print #F1, "Q240,24" ' 240/8 =30 mm height
Print #F1, "R30" ' postion 30 dots from margin
barX = "QP101-234567" ' is a variable meant for batch print
Print #F1, "A1,10,0,1,1,1,N," & Chr$(34) & "ABCD" & Chr$(34)
Print #F1, "B1,30,0,E80,3,25,80,N," & Chr$(34) & barX & Chr$(34)
Print #F1, "A1,80,0,1,1,1,N," & Chr$(34) & barX & Chr$(34)
Print #F1, "P1"
Close #F1