I forgot to add, there's a handy comparison between VB6 and VB.NET here :
In page 2, the guide explains :
In VB 6, a structure or user-defined type is declared using the Type...End Type structure.
In VB .NET, the Type statement is not supported.
Structures are declared using the Structure...End Structure construct.
Also, each member of the structure must be assigned an access modifier,
which can be Public, Protected, Friend, ProtectedFriend, or Private.
(The Dim keyword is equivalent to Public in this context.)
For instance, in page 2, the VB 6 user-defined type:
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
is defined in VB .NET as:
Structure RECT
Public Left As Long
Public Top As Long
Public Right As Long
Public Bottom As Long
End Structure
You'll find that guide quite useful.
Juan T. Llibre, asp.net MVP
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