Could'nt find a post / site that has addressed this issue and I
would be very surprised if I'm the first to find this.
I am currently having an issue passing a parameter via a stored procedure in
vb6 to SQL 2005 that is requiring a datetime format.
VB6 supports these separatly i.e. DATE, TIME were as VB.Net etc. support
this as DATETIME.
Is there any way I can get the date into the SQL 2005 database, not fused
about the time part as this would help being stored as 00:00:00.
What I've tried so far is:
strDate = Format(strDate, "yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00")
but when passing through it details parameter not supported:
..Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("dteDate", adDate, adParamInput, ,
Any idea's?
Many thanks,
Could'nt find a post / site that has addressed this issue and I
would be very surprised if I'm the first to find this.
I am currently having an issue passing a parameter via a stored procedure in
vb6 to SQL 2005 that is requiring a datetime format.
VB6 supports these separatly i.e. DATE, TIME were as VB.Net etc. support
this as DATETIME.
Is there any way I can get the date into the SQL 2005 database, not fused
about the time part as this would help being stored as 00:00:00.
What I've tried so far is:
strDate = Format(strDate, "yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00")
but when passing through it details parameter not supported:
..Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("dteDate", adDate, adParamInput, ,
Any idea's?
Many thanks,