Well for previous VB6 proggers i would definedly say move to VB.Net , buy
the Balena books ( programming microsoft visual basic series i would still
buy the 2003 and 2005 version )
as they have special attention for VB6 proggers an in a few days you wil at
least feel at home
If you would like to earn more money , or beat yourself on the chest that
you are a C style progger well then go for C# you wil now have a much
higher learning curve but once you code in C# and with your VB6 background
VB.Net is peanuts , on the other hand when you code in VB.net with option
strict on and option explicit on ( wich i would highly recomend you do )
and try to use as much as possible FCL code instead of the language
enhancement code that VB provides ( len() vs string.length etc etc ) well
then reading and writing C# code is also peanuts
So my recomendation previous language derived from Algol ( C++ , Delphi )
go for C#
previous language derived from Fortran
( Cobol , Basic ) go for VB.Net
As you see this hole discussion goes back to the start of programming , and
wich one is better ??? well it is probably the same thing as saying that
Ferrari is bether as Lamborghini and should be seen as a personal
preference .
Michel Posseth (
Can code in both but just prefer VB as it is my native tongue