H-Man said:
RapidQ is no longer maintained by the origional author and can only be
updated through the use of external add-on's and modules. The compiler
itself cannot be further updated as the source code is still in the
hands of the William Yu, the author.
It is true that the compiler itself cannot be changed, but significant
updating has been done through external files. There are also several
projects going on which aim at replacing the old compiler using the same
language. The rapidq language has been declared public domain by its
owner. So it will survive and new compilers for it are getting more and
more complete.
RapidQ has an few advantages no other Basic language has, the massive
collection of free example programs you can use and build further on, and
the excellent readability of the RapidQ language.
With this having been said, the program has a large following and help
is never far from hand. I know of no major compiler bugs, other than
the compiled .EXE's did generate some false positives on some AV
products. I don't know if this has been fixed (by the AV companies) as
I moved on from RapidQ around this time.
All main AV companies have updated their virus definition files so it
doesn't give false positives anymore.
(Norton AV may still be an exception to this, I am not sure, but few use
the old Norton AV as it is not maintained as it should)