anu jyala via .NET 247
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i'm using fill method to populate.and fill method implicitlyopen and close the executereader connection. and my question iswhy the error occured"there is already an open datareaderassociated with this connection which must be closed first" only inside the combobox selectedindexevent and textchangedevent.? when i call this parameterized querry inside any otherevent's as keyevent,click event it work's succesfully? how can icorrect it?if the existing connection is there how can i closeit?
i'm using fill method to populate.and fill method implicitlyopen and close the executereader connection. and my question iswhy the error occured"there is already an open datareaderassociated with this connection which must be closed first" only inside the combobox selectedindexevent and textchangedevent.? when i call this parameterized querry inside any otherevent's as keyevent,click event it work's succesfully? how can icorrect it?if the existing connection is there how can i closeit?