I've been all over sourceforge, Codplex, Devex, codeproject,
msdn, and the net looking for an answer to both exporting and then
formating the XML comments (''') in my vb code to some sort of
documentation. I've downloaded and failed using nDoc, Snadcastle, and
a couple others except the pricey doc-o-matic.
One site says to simply
* Document your C# source code by using the XML documentation
* Extract the XML documentation tags to an XML file.
* Tell NDoc where it can find the extracted XML file and the
assembly associated with it-that is the .dll or .exe file.
but I can't even figure out how to extract the XML.
Sorry if I come off abrasive, I just feel very stupid at this
point. If anyone out there in computerland knows what I should be
looking for please let me know.
All I want to do is take something like...
''' <summary>
''' Builds out the URL including the application root, path to
page, and optionally the server name and the Http/Https
''' </summary>
''' <param name="PathFromAppRoot">A string representing the path
starting just after the root path</param>
''' <param name="IsOrgSpecficPage">A boolean value indicating
whether you want the Organization specific path</param>
''' <param name="IncludeServerName">A boolean value indicating if
you want the server name in the string path</param>
''' <param name="UseSSl">A boolean value indicating whether you
want to begin with http or https</param>
''' <returns>The URL with the indicated options</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Shared Function BuildUrl(ByVal PathFromAppRoot As String,
Optional ByVal IsOrgSpecficPage As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal
IncludeServerName As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal UseSSl As Boolean
= False) As String
End Sub
and create documentation for all the classes in the project.
I've been all over sourceforge, Codplex, Devex, codeproject,
msdn, and the net looking for an answer to both exporting and then
formating the XML comments (''') in my vb code to some sort of
documentation. I've downloaded and failed using nDoc, Snadcastle, and
a couple others except the pricey doc-o-matic.
One site says to simply
* Document your C# source code by using the XML documentation
* Extract the XML documentation tags to an XML file.
* Tell NDoc where it can find the extracted XML file and the
assembly associated with it-that is the .dll or .exe file.
but I can't even figure out how to extract the XML.
Sorry if I come off abrasive, I just feel very stupid at this
point. If anyone out there in computerland knows what I should be
looking for please let me know.
All I want to do is take something like...
''' <summary>
''' Builds out the URL including the application root, path to
page, and optionally the server name and the Http/Https
''' </summary>
''' <param name="PathFromAppRoot">A string representing the path
starting just after the root path</param>
''' <param name="IsOrgSpecficPage">A boolean value indicating
whether you want the Organization specific path</param>
''' <param name="IncludeServerName">A boolean value indicating if
you want the server name in the string path</param>
''' <param name="UseSSl">A boolean value indicating whether you
want to begin with http or https</param>
''' <returns>The URL with the indicated options</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Shared Function BuildUrl(ByVal PathFromAppRoot As String,
Optional ByVal IsOrgSpecficPage As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal
IncludeServerName As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal UseSSl As Boolean
= False) As String
End Sub
and create documentation for all the classes in the project.