VB.Net With Statement

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob Shorney
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Rob Shorney


Please could someone let me know if there is a equivalent command for C#


with object
end with
As the other guys said, there's no direct equivalent of the VB.NET With

You can get something close with the with the C# using keyword, but your
object must support the IDisposable interface

Pen p = new Pen(Color.Black);
using(Pen o = p)
o.Color = Color.White;

No, that's not similar at all - not only does it require the type to
implement IDisposable, but it calls Dispose at the end too.

Insetad, you can just do:

Pen o = p;
o.Color = Color.White;


Pen o = p;
o.Color = Color.White;

if you want.
My intent was more to give an aesthetical equivalent, but yes - your
suggestions are better than mine.
You can get something close with the with the C# using keyword

I can't believe how many times I've heard someone say that (the
'second' use of) "using" in C# is somehow similar to VB's "With". As
Jon says, there is absolutely nothing that relates the two concepts.
I could understand a confusion if a "using" block allowed you to omit
the object reference, but that's not the case.
there is absolutely nothing that relates the two concepts.

I somewhat disagree. The way that the VB.BET compiler handles the With
statement is to create a hidden local of the same type, assign a reference
to the object, and use the temporary local for the subsequential calls
within the With/End With block.

The solutions that Jon proposed mimic this approach.
I'm confused now - Jon's code didn't use "using" at all.

The fact remain:

With X
End With

has exactly nothing to do with what is happening in:

using (X)
I'm confused now - Jon's code didn't use "using" at all.

As I said in response to his post, his suggestion was better then using the
"using" keyword. So you're right too. My comment was more from the
theoretical point of view. I apologize for the confusion that I may have
The C# literature recomend this:

object o = my.data.object
o.property = value;

and this works quite well.
