Brian Fulford
This is my first shot at a Winforms application in dot net. This application
is mainly going to run unattended but is using a form to display current
activity of the background processing. In VB6, I could set the startup to be
Sub Main and then call frmMain.Show and the program would continue
processing; however, after instantiating the from in VB.Net - dim frmMain as
new frmMain, frmMain.show shows the form then closes the form to continue
processing - which is counter to my purposes... so I tried
Application.Run(frmMain). This stops program execution until the used does
SO... any help with that? Also, I looked to see if there was a
frmMain_loaded event to call a public sub but I did not see any event that
is fired after the form is loaded and shown.
Any insight would be appreciated.
is mainly going to run unattended but is using a form to display current
activity of the background processing. In VB6, I could set the startup to be
Sub Main and then call frmMain.Show and the program would continue
processing; however, after instantiating the from in VB.Net - dim frmMain as
new frmMain, frmMain.show shows the form then closes the form to continue
processing - which is counter to my purposes... so I tried
Application.Run(frmMain). This stops program execution until the used does
SO... any help with that? Also, I looked to see if there was a
frmMain_loaded event to call a public sub but I did not see any event that
is fired after the form is loaded and shown.
Any insight would be appreciated.