I do not feel ripped of since I earn way more money
programming on Windows than I lose on licence.
You may not FEEL ripped off, but you HAVE BEEN ripped off! I know it's not a
lot of money on an individual basis, but multiply that by the millions of
Europeans who paid twice as much as they would in America for off the shelf
copies of XP, and the dozen or so who did the same for off the shelf copies
of Vista, and Micro$oft are onto a nice little earner. And if we were all
happy to be ripped off, as you are, then Micro$oft would have made even
more! A bunch of unscrupulous fairground gypsies with no morals at all,
that's what they are. Personally I think they've become far too big for
their boots with their unscrupulous and often legally questionable trading
methods and the American government needs to rein them in. Perhaps the USA
could use some of the money they have saved on the cheap oil that Europeans
have been and still are dying for on their behalf in Iraq to subsidise
Micro$oft's rip off prices over here until they find time to sort them out
properly ;-)