I'm new to vb.net programming, and I keep getting this error: Name
'GetQuery' is not declared. I can't figure out why?? It seems like I have
the right references/namespaces. This is my code below. Also, can someone
explain to me what the ContentHandlerImpl.vb file actually does? It's in
this project that I'm working with...but I'm not sure what the file actually
does. Thanks!!
Imports System.Xml
Imports Lucene.Net.Documents
Imports Lucene.Net.Analysis
Imports Lucene.Net.Index
Imports Lucene.Net.Search
Imports Lucene.Net.QueryParsers
Imports Lucene.Net.Util
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class SampleSearch2
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "
'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub
End Sub
Protected WithEvents txtGender As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents txtConsent As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents txtIMBDystResult As
Protected WithEvents txtIMFDystResult As
Protected WithEvents txtIMBDystDiag As
Protected WithEvents txtIMFDystDiag As
Protected WithEvents txtIMFMerosinResult As
Protected WithEvents SearchButton As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
Protected WithEvents lblText As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
Protected WithEvents lblResults As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
Protected WithEvents txtFetus As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents SearchButton1 As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
Protected WithEvents txtDescription As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtIMBDysferlin As
Protected WithEvents txtIMFAlpha As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents txtIMFMerosin As
Protected WithEvents txtAgeFrom As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtAgeTo As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtDateTo As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtDateFrom As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtAsymp As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents txtFamilyHistory As
'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web Form
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
End Sub
#End Region
Private strXmlFilePath As String = Server.MapPath("/xmlsearch/xmlfiles/")
Private strIndexFilePath As String =
Private searcher As IndexSearcher = New IndexSearcher(strIndexFilePath)
Private analyzer As Standard.StandardAnalyzer = New
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here
End Sub
Private Sub SearchButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchButton1.Click
Dim strGender As String
Dim strConsent As String
Dim strFetus As String
Dim strAgeFrom As String
Dim strAgeTo As String
Dim strAge As String
Dim strDateFrom As String
Dim strDateTo As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim strAsymp As String
Dim strFamilyHistory As String
'IMF for Immuno-flourescence
Dim strIMFDystResult As String
Dim strIMFDystDiag As String
Dim strIMFMerosin As String
Dim strIMFAlpha As String
'IMB for Immunoblot
Dim strIMBDystResult As String
Dim strIMBDystDiag As String
Dim strIMBDysferlin As String
Dim strDesc As String
Dim searcher As IndexSearcher = New IndexSearcher(strIndexFilePath)
Dim analyzer As Standard.StandardAnalyzer = New
Dim hits As Hits
'start with every click, we need to clean the result
lblText.Text = ""
lblResults.Text = ""
strAge = ""
strDate = ""
strGender = txtGender.Value.ToUpper
strConsent = txtConsent.Value.ToUpper
strFetus = txtFetus.Value.ToUpper
strAgeFrom = txtAgeFrom.Text
strAgeTo = txtAgeTo.Text
strDateFrom = txtDateFrom.Text
strDateTo = txtDateTo.Text
strAsymp = txtAsymp.Value.ToUpper
strFamilyHistory = txtFamilyHistory.Value.ToUpper
strIMFDystResult = txtIMFDystResult.Value.ToUpper
strIMFDystDiag = txtIMFDystDiag.Value.ToUpper
strIMFMerosin = txtIMFMerosin.Value.ToUpper
strIMFAlpha = txtIMFAlpha.Value.ToUpper
strIMBDystResult = txtIMBDystResult.Value.ToUpper
strIMBDystDiag = txtIMBDystDiag.Value.ToUpper
strIMBDysferlin = txtIMBDysferlin.Value.ToUpper
If strAgeFrom.Length = 1 Then
strAgeFrom = "00" & strAgeFrom
ElseIf strAgeFrom.Length = 2 Then
strAgeFrom = "0" & strAgeFrom
ElseIf strAgeFrom.Length = 0 Then
strAgeFrom = "000" 'minimun age
End If
If strAgeTo.Length = 1 Then
strAgeTo = "00" & strAgeTo
ElseIf strAgeTo.Length = 2 Then
strAgeTo = "0" & strAgeTo
ElseIf strAgeTo.Length = 0 Then
strAgeTo = "120" 'maximun age
End If
'we will use wildcard for strDesc
strDesc = txtDescription.Text
Dim strWords() As String = strDesc.Split(" ")
'Construct the query based upon the input
If strGender.Length > 0 Then
strGender = "+GENDER:" & strGender
End If
If strConsent.Length > 0 Then
strConsent = "+IS_CONSENT_FORM:" & strConsent
End If
If strFetus.Length > 0 Then
strFetus = "+IS_FETUS:" & strFetus
End If
' the logic here is both length of strAgeFrom and strAgeTo are
greather than 0
' but if strAgeFrom = "000" and strAgeTo = "120" that means neither
one is entered by users
If strAgeFrom.Equals("000") And strAgeTo.Equals("120") Then
strAge = "+AGE_YEAR:[" + strAgeFrom + " TO " + strAgeTo + "]" &
End If
'must contain both DateFrom and DateTo to search. Use AND instead of
If strDateFrom.Length > 0 And strDateTo.Length > 0 Then
strDate = "+BIOPSY_DATE:[" + strDateFrom + " TO " + strDateTo +
"]" & strDate
End If
If strFamilyHistory.Length > 0 Then
strFamilyHistory = "+FAMILY_HISTORY:" & strFamilyHistory
End If
If strIMBDystResult.Length > 0 Then
strIMBDystResult = "+DYST_RESULT:" & strIMBDystResult
End If
If strIMBDystDiag.Length > 0 Then
strIMBDystDiag = "+DYST_DIAGNOSIS:" & strIMBDystDiag
End If
If strIMBDysferlin.Length > 0 Then
strIMBDysferlin = "+DYSFERLINE_RESULT:" & strIMBDysferlin
End If
If strIMFDystResult.Length > 0 Then
strIMFDystResult = "+DYST_RESULT_FLO:" & strIMFDystResult
End If
If strIMFDystDiag.Length > 0 Then
strIMFDystDiag = "+DYST_DIAGNOSIS_FLO:" & strIMFDystDiag
End If
If strIMFMerosin.Length > 0 Then
strIMFMerosin = "+MEROSIN_RESULT_FLO:" & strIMFMerosin
End If
If strIMFAlpha.Length > 0 Then
strIMFAlpha = "+ALPHA_SAC_RESULT_FLO:" & strIMFAlpha
End If
If strDesc.Length > 0 Then
'the description field is wild card searc
'clean up the strDesc first
strDesc = ""
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To strWords.Length - 1
Dim strWord As String = strWords(i)
If strWord.Length > 0 Then
'append the "*"
strWord = strWord + "*"
End If
strDesc += "+" + strWord + " "
strDesc = "+OTHER
" + strDesc + ")"
'clean up the strDesc
strDesc = ""
End If
'concatenate the query
Dim strQuery As String = ""
If strGender.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strGender + " "
End If
If strFetus.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strFetus + " "
End If
If strAge.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strAge + " "
End If
If strDate.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strDate + " "
End If
If strConsent.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strConsent + " "
End If
If strFamilyHistory.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strFamilyHistory + " "
End If
If strIMBDystResult.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMBDystResult + " "
End If
If strIMBDystDiag.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMBDystDiag + " "
End If
If strIMBDysferlin.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMBDysferlin + " "
End If
If strIMFDystResult.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMFDystResult + " "
End If
If strIMFDystDiag.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMFDystDiag + " "
End If
If strIMFMerosin.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMFMerosin + " "
End If
If strIMFAlpha.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMFAlpha + " "
End If
If strDesc.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strDesc
End If
Dim query1 As Query = GetQuery(strQuery, analyzer)
hits = searcher.Search(query1)
Catch myerr As SystemException
lblText.Text = "There are no documents that match your search."
Exit Sub
lblText.Text = "Found " & hits.Length() & " record(s) that
matched query<br> "
' "Gender: <b>" & txtGender.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Fetal muscle: <b>" & txtFetus.Value &
"</b><br> " & _
' "Consent form: <b>" & txtConsent.Value &
"</b><br> " & _
' "Immunoblot dystrophin result: <b>" &
txtIMBDystResult.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Immunoblot dystrophin diagnosis: <b>" &
txtIMBDystDiag.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Immuno-flourescence dystrophin result:<b>" &
txtIMFDystResult.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Immuno-flourescence dystrophin diagnosis:<b>" &
txtIMFDystDiag.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Comments<b>" & txtDescription.Text & "</b><br>"
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To hits.Length - 1
Dim doc As Document = hits.Doc(i)
lblResults.Text &= "<li>PROCEDURE ID: " &
doc.Get("PROCEDURE_ID").TrimEnd & _
" SUBJECT ID: " & doc.Get("SUBJECT_ID").TrimEnd & _
" <a href='searchsubject.aspx?subject_ID=" &
doc.Get("SUBJECT_ID").Trim & _
"' target='_blank'>Choose this record</a></li>"
' "<a href='target.aspx?target=view&subject_ID=" &
doc.Get("SUBJECT_ID").Trim & _
'"&proc=" & doc.Get("PROCEDURE_ID").Trim & _
'"&biopsy=" & doc.Get("BIOPSY_ID").Trim & _
'"&age=" & doc.Get("AGE_YEAR").Trim & _
'"&physician=" & doc.Get("PHYSICIAN_ID").Trim & _
'"&fetus=" & doc.Get("IS_FETUS").Trim & _
lblResults.Text &= "</ul>"
End Try
End Sub
End Class
I'm new to vb.net programming, and I keep getting this error: Name
'GetQuery' is not declared. I can't figure out why?? It seems like I have
the right references/namespaces. This is my code below. Also, can someone
explain to me what the ContentHandlerImpl.vb file actually does? It's in
this project that I'm working with...but I'm not sure what the file actually
does. Thanks!!
Imports System.Xml
Imports Lucene.Net.Documents
Imports Lucene.Net.Analysis
Imports Lucene.Net.Index
Imports Lucene.Net.Search
Imports Lucene.Net.QueryParsers
Imports Lucene.Net.Util
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class SampleSearch2
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "
'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub
End Sub
Protected WithEvents txtGender As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents txtConsent As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents txtIMBDystResult As
Protected WithEvents txtIMFDystResult As
Protected WithEvents txtIMBDystDiag As
Protected WithEvents txtIMFDystDiag As
Protected WithEvents txtIMFMerosinResult As
Protected WithEvents SearchButton As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
Protected WithEvents lblText As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
Protected WithEvents lblResults As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
Protected WithEvents txtFetus As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents SearchButton1 As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
Protected WithEvents txtDescription As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtIMBDysferlin As
Protected WithEvents txtIMFAlpha As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents txtIMFMerosin As
Protected WithEvents txtAgeFrom As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtAgeTo As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtDateTo As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtDateFrom As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtAsymp As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect
Protected WithEvents txtFamilyHistory As
'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web Form
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
End Sub
#End Region
Private strXmlFilePath As String = Server.MapPath("/xmlsearch/xmlfiles/")
Private strIndexFilePath As String =
Private searcher As IndexSearcher = New IndexSearcher(strIndexFilePath)
Private analyzer As Standard.StandardAnalyzer = New
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Put user code to initialize the page here
End Sub
Private Sub SearchButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchButton1.Click
Dim strGender As String
Dim strConsent As String
Dim strFetus As String
Dim strAgeFrom As String
Dim strAgeTo As String
Dim strAge As String
Dim strDateFrom As String
Dim strDateTo As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim strAsymp As String
Dim strFamilyHistory As String
'IMF for Immuno-flourescence
Dim strIMFDystResult As String
Dim strIMFDystDiag As String
Dim strIMFMerosin As String
Dim strIMFAlpha As String
'IMB for Immunoblot
Dim strIMBDystResult As String
Dim strIMBDystDiag As String
Dim strIMBDysferlin As String
Dim strDesc As String
Dim searcher As IndexSearcher = New IndexSearcher(strIndexFilePath)
Dim analyzer As Standard.StandardAnalyzer = New
Dim hits As Hits
'start with every click, we need to clean the result
lblText.Text = ""
lblResults.Text = ""
strAge = ""
strDate = ""
strGender = txtGender.Value.ToUpper
strConsent = txtConsent.Value.ToUpper
strFetus = txtFetus.Value.ToUpper
strAgeFrom = txtAgeFrom.Text
strAgeTo = txtAgeTo.Text
strDateFrom = txtDateFrom.Text
strDateTo = txtDateTo.Text
strAsymp = txtAsymp.Value.ToUpper
strFamilyHistory = txtFamilyHistory.Value.ToUpper
strIMFDystResult = txtIMFDystResult.Value.ToUpper
strIMFDystDiag = txtIMFDystDiag.Value.ToUpper
strIMFMerosin = txtIMFMerosin.Value.ToUpper
strIMFAlpha = txtIMFAlpha.Value.ToUpper
strIMBDystResult = txtIMBDystResult.Value.ToUpper
strIMBDystDiag = txtIMBDystDiag.Value.ToUpper
strIMBDysferlin = txtIMBDysferlin.Value.ToUpper
If strAgeFrom.Length = 1 Then
strAgeFrom = "00" & strAgeFrom
ElseIf strAgeFrom.Length = 2 Then
strAgeFrom = "0" & strAgeFrom
ElseIf strAgeFrom.Length = 0 Then
strAgeFrom = "000" 'minimun age
End If
If strAgeTo.Length = 1 Then
strAgeTo = "00" & strAgeTo
ElseIf strAgeTo.Length = 2 Then
strAgeTo = "0" & strAgeTo
ElseIf strAgeTo.Length = 0 Then
strAgeTo = "120" 'maximun age
End If
'we will use wildcard for strDesc
strDesc = txtDescription.Text
Dim strWords() As String = strDesc.Split(" ")
'Construct the query based upon the input
If strGender.Length > 0 Then
strGender = "+GENDER:" & strGender
End If
If strConsent.Length > 0 Then
strConsent = "+IS_CONSENT_FORM:" & strConsent
End If
If strFetus.Length > 0 Then
strFetus = "+IS_FETUS:" & strFetus
End If
' the logic here is both length of strAgeFrom and strAgeTo are
greather than 0
' but if strAgeFrom = "000" and strAgeTo = "120" that means neither
one is entered by users
If strAgeFrom.Equals("000") And strAgeTo.Equals("120") Then
strAge = "+AGE_YEAR:[" + strAgeFrom + " TO " + strAgeTo + "]" &
End If
'must contain both DateFrom and DateTo to search. Use AND instead of
If strDateFrom.Length > 0 And strDateTo.Length > 0 Then
strDate = "+BIOPSY_DATE:[" + strDateFrom + " TO " + strDateTo +
"]" & strDate
End If
If strFamilyHistory.Length > 0 Then
strFamilyHistory = "+FAMILY_HISTORY:" & strFamilyHistory
End If
If strIMBDystResult.Length > 0 Then
strIMBDystResult = "+DYST_RESULT:" & strIMBDystResult
End If
If strIMBDystDiag.Length > 0 Then
strIMBDystDiag = "+DYST_DIAGNOSIS:" & strIMBDystDiag
End If
If strIMBDysferlin.Length > 0 Then
strIMBDysferlin = "+DYSFERLINE_RESULT:" & strIMBDysferlin
End If
If strIMFDystResult.Length > 0 Then
strIMFDystResult = "+DYST_RESULT_FLO:" & strIMFDystResult
End If
If strIMFDystDiag.Length > 0 Then
strIMFDystDiag = "+DYST_DIAGNOSIS_FLO:" & strIMFDystDiag
End If
If strIMFMerosin.Length > 0 Then
strIMFMerosin = "+MEROSIN_RESULT_FLO:" & strIMFMerosin
End If
If strIMFAlpha.Length > 0 Then
strIMFAlpha = "+ALPHA_SAC_RESULT_FLO:" & strIMFAlpha
End If
If strDesc.Length > 0 Then
'the description field is wild card searc
'clean up the strDesc first
strDesc = ""
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To strWords.Length - 1
Dim strWord As String = strWords(i)
If strWord.Length > 0 Then
'append the "*"
strWord = strWord + "*"
End If
strDesc += "+" + strWord + " "
strDesc = "+OTHER

'clean up the strDesc
strDesc = ""
End If
'concatenate the query
Dim strQuery As String = ""
If strGender.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strGender + " "
End If
If strFetus.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strFetus + " "
End If
If strAge.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strAge + " "
End If
If strDate.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strDate + " "
End If
If strConsent.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strConsent + " "
End If
If strFamilyHistory.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strFamilyHistory + " "
End If
If strIMBDystResult.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMBDystResult + " "
End If
If strIMBDystDiag.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMBDystDiag + " "
End If
If strIMBDysferlin.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMBDysferlin + " "
End If
If strIMFDystResult.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMFDystResult + " "
End If
If strIMFDystDiag.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMFDystDiag + " "
End If
If strIMFMerosin.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMFMerosin + " "
End If
If strIMFAlpha.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strIMFAlpha + " "
End If
If strDesc.Length > 0 Then
strQuery += strDesc
End If
Dim query1 As Query = GetQuery(strQuery, analyzer)
hits = searcher.Search(query1)
Catch myerr As SystemException
lblText.Text = "There are no documents that match your search."
Exit Sub
lblText.Text = "Found " & hits.Length() & " record(s) that
matched query<br> "
' "Gender: <b>" & txtGender.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Fetal muscle: <b>" & txtFetus.Value &
"</b><br> " & _
' "Consent form: <b>" & txtConsent.Value &
"</b><br> " & _
' "Immunoblot dystrophin result: <b>" &
txtIMBDystResult.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Immunoblot dystrophin diagnosis: <b>" &
txtIMBDystDiag.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Immuno-flourescence dystrophin result:<b>" &
txtIMFDystResult.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Immuno-flourescence dystrophin diagnosis:<b>" &
txtIMFDystDiag.Value & "</b><br> " & _
' "Comments<b>" & txtDescription.Text & "</b><br>"
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To hits.Length - 1
Dim doc As Document = hits.Doc(i)
lblResults.Text &= "<li>PROCEDURE ID: " &
doc.Get("PROCEDURE_ID").TrimEnd & _
" SUBJECT ID: " & doc.Get("SUBJECT_ID").TrimEnd & _
" <a href='searchsubject.aspx?subject_ID=" &
doc.Get("SUBJECT_ID").Trim & _
"' target='_blank'>Choose this record</a></li>"
' "<a href='target.aspx?target=view&subject_ID=" &
doc.Get("SUBJECT_ID").Trim & _
'"&proc=" & doc.Get("PROCEDURE_ID").Trim & _
'"&biopsy=" & doc.Get("BIOPSY_ID").Trim & _
'"&age=" & doc.Get("AGE_YEAR").Trim & _
'"&physician=" & doc.Get("PHYSICIAN_ID").Trim & _
'"&fetus=" & doc.Get("IS_FETUS").Trim & _
lblResults.Text &= "</ul>"
End Try
End Sub
End Class