Is this language missing the functionality of a C/C++ 'continue' statement?
For example:
While NOT isEof()
If condition
' a C or C++ continue would work here
' but we are forced to use a GoTo
GoTo nxt
End If
... more statements here ...
End While
You CAN rewrite the code to get rid of the GoTo by adding an 'else' to
the If, but code complexity increases as you're nesting more code in
For example:
While NOT isEof()
If condition
' a C or C++ continue would work here
' but we are forced to use a GoTo
GoTo nxt
End If
... more statements here ...
End While
You CAN rewrite the code to get rid of the GoTo by adding an 'else' to
the If, but code complexity increases as you're nesting more code in