VB.NET DLLs and ProgIDs

  • Thread starter Thread starter eli
  • Start date Start date


please...somebody answer this question.lol
I have submit it to 4 forums and it seems noone can answer it.

In VB6 I had made a standard windows application (client) and a DLL
(server). The client had a reference to AutoCAD application (you dont
have to know AutoCAD, I just made a reference to its interface thats
all). Then I could use a function of AutoCAD's interface call
GetInterfaceObject(<ProgID>). Giving to the function the ProgID of my
DLL's project I was able to load the DLL in memory space of AutoCAD.

Now, coming to .NET world, I created the same DLL and client
application in VB.NET. But Calling my GetInterfaceObject function with
the DLL's project ProgID as I used to, doesn't work.

Can anyone help what is going on? Is it because something has changed
with the ProgID thing? Is it because DLLs are not registered any more?

Thanks in advance,

I want to move a big application to VB.NET and I can't due to this
I have submit it to 4 forums and it seems noone can answer it.

Perhaps because you don't supply enough information. Have you
registered your library correctly? Can you instantiate objects from
other COM clients? DO you get any error messages?

Maybe you are righ, I dont provide enough information.

Can I register DLLs with VB.NET? I thought it was something abandoned.
And if I can isnt it automatically done any more to my machine? (as I
develop, like VB6?)
And if it is like that will that be done in my clents machine at

The case is really simple:

I have a variable "application" with which I reference my AutoCAD
And a "server" variable with which I reference my DLL reference (I
added a reference to my DLL from the references dialogbox).

Then I can write set Server=application.GetInterfaceObject(ProgID of
the DLL project). The function finds the ProgID and works in VB6 fine.
I can figure out what changes in .NET, but I guess the ProgID is not
acceptable anymore.

(I dont remember right now the error message I get and I am away from
my computer, but I can give it to you later)

Thank you very much for answering. I hope I did provide you with some
extra important info
