I'm sure this has probably been asked before, but, am I being foolish or does
the Class Builder utility not exist in VB.Net?
If so, why did MS Decide to remove this feature? I personally found it saved
a lot of time.
I know in .NET, some time is saved when you type "Public Property xxx as
xxx", in that it auto-types the Set and Get functions, but again, you still
have to fill in those procedures yourself, which you didn't have to do in
VB6. I just can't understand why the VB.Net Class Library project type has so
little functionality. It still takes longer to declare the public & private
properties than it did in VB6.
Please correct me if i'm wrong on any of these comments!
the Class Builder utility not exist in VB.Net?
If so, why did MS Decide to remove this feature? I personally found it saved
a lot of time.
I know in .NET, some time is saved when you type "Public Property xxx as
xxx", in that it auto-types the Set and Get functions, but again, you still
have to fill in those procedures yourself, which you didn't have to do in
VB6. I just can't understand why the VB.Net Class Library project type has so
little functionality. It still takes longer to declare the public & private
properties than it did in VB6.
Please correct me if i'm wrong on any of these comments!