I have a vb.net page which a bunch of checkboxes. A user can select a
checkbox(s) and hit the submit button to store those values in a SQL
Server table. This works fine with no problem the first time the user
submits. However when user submits a second time while changing some
of the selected boxes the page only re-submits the previosly selected
checkbox values. It's like its storing it somewhere in the cache or
something. My page is ready to launch but cannot for this reason
alone. Any ideas as to what is going on here? Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
I have a vb.net page which a bunch of checkboxes. A user can select a
checkbox(s) and hit the submit button to store those values in a SQL
Server table. This works fine with no problem the first time the user
submits. However when user submits a second time while changing some
of the selected boxes the page only re-submits the previosly selected
checkbox values. It's like its storing it somewhere in the cache or
something. My page is ready to launch but cannot for this reason
alone. Any ideas as to what is going on here? Any help would be
greatly appreciated.