I've got this strange error. When I try to load some data to string array at
the start I got System.NotSupportedException. I can't set any break points -
they seem to be useless and i can't get any console output because there's
no possibility to step into the problematic function code. Here's an
A. Declaration
Public Const SERVICEMENU_COUNT As Integer = 14
Public arrServiceMenuGrid2(SERVICEMENU_COUNT - 1, 1) As
B. When I try to init 2-dm array like this everything runs without a
For i = 1 To UBound(arrServiceMenuGrid2, 1)
arrServiceMenuGrid2(i, 0) = ""
arrServiceMenuGrid2(i, 1) = ""
Next i
C. But when I try to set an array explicity over the index number >= 8
application crashes
arrServiceMenuGrid2(0, 0) = ""
arrServiceMenuGrid2(1, 0) = ""
' Problematic line
arrServiceMenuGrid2(8, 0) = ""
What could be the cause? Why can't I run debugger?
Anly help appreciated.
Maciek Regulski
I've got this strange error. When I try to load some data to string array at
the start I got System.NotSupportedException. I can't set any break points -
they seem to be useless and i can't get any console output because there's
no possibility to step into the problematic function code. Here's an
A. Declaration
Public Const SERVICEMENU_COUNT As Integer = 14
Public arrServiceMenuGrid2(SERVICEMENU_COUNT - 1, 1) As
B. When I try to init 2-dm array like this everything runs without a
For i = 1 To UBound(arrServiceMenuGrid2, 1)
arrServiceMenuGrid2(i, 0) = ""
arrServiceMenuGrid2(i, 1) = ""
Next i
C. But when I try to set an array explicity over the index number >= 8
application crashes
arrServiceMenuGrid2(0, 0) = ""
arrServiceMenuGrid2(1, 0) = ""
' Problematic line
arrServiceMenuGrid2(8, 0) = ""
What could be the cause? Why can't I run debugger?
Anly help appreciated.
Maciek Regulski